Corynotheca . A , C. lateriflora , rupturing mature fruit (R.Specht 1057, BRI). B , C. licrota , spent flower and rupturing fruit (Loveday, S.A., E.Gauba, MEL). C-E , C. micrantha var. gracilis . C , flowering racemule; D , flower, 1 petal and 1 stamen removed; E , hooded apex of sepal with appendage (C-E , K.Kenneally 9025, PERTH). F-G , C. flexuosissima . F , distal part of inflorescence branch; G , racemule with fruit (F-G , A.George 2302, PERTH). H-I , C. pungens . H , pungent bracts proximally in inflorescence; I , paired racemules (H-I , E.Jackson 3092, BRI). J , C. asperata , racemules distally in inflorescence (A.George 15589, PERTH).
Illustrators: W.A.Smith.
Flora of Australia Volume 45 figure 96.