A-I, Rosulabryum albolimbatum. A, Habit of dry specimen with sporophyte. B, Leaf. C, Cells at leaf apex. D, Mid-leaf and marginal cells. E, Basal laminal cells. F, Part of T.S. of leaf. G, Filamentous gemmae. H, Rhizoidal tuber. I, Peristome: endostome basal membrane with segment and cilia (left); exostome tooh (right) (D.G.Catcheside 53.283, AD [Figs A-E, I]; D.G.Catcheside 53.079, AD [Fig F]; W.W.Watts 3463, NSW [Fig G]; P.S. & D.E.A.Catcheside J17, AD [Fig H]). J-S, R. billarderii, J, Habit of dry specimen with sporophyte. K, Male gametophyte. L, Leaf. M, Leaf apex. N, Upper laminal cells. O, Margin at mid-leaf. P, Basal laminal cells. Q, T.S. of leaf. R, Rhizoidal tuber. S, Peristome (L.D.Williams 3874, AD [Fig J]; D.G.Catcheside 69.266, AD [Figs K,Q-S]; C.T.Clifford s.n., MEL [Figs L-P]). T-AA, R. campylothecium. T, Male gametophyte. U, FEmale habit with sporophyte. V, Leaf. W, Leaf apex. X, Mid-leaf and marginal cells. Y, Basal laminal cells. Z, T.S. of leaf. AA, Peristome: exostome tooth (left); endostome segment (centre); and cilium (right) (W.A.Weymouth s.n., NSW). Scale bars: 1 mm for habit; 0.5 mm for leaves; 100 ?m for cellular drawings.
Illustrators: L. Eklan
Flora of Australia Vol 51 figure 46