Australian National Botanic Gardens
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In Flower This WeekA weekly news-sheet prepared by a Gardens volunteer |
16 October 1998
As the Gardens are so colourful with the spring array of flowers, the Rock Garden is selected for this week's walk. At the base of the stairs, a waratah cultivar, Telopea speciosissima `Wirrimbirra White' [Section 15D] is quite magnificent with its large, almost white globular flower heads. Opposite the Gymea Lily, Doryanthes excelsa [Section 15C] is spectacular with large sword-like leaves surrounding an elongated, upright flower spike topped with a large cluster of red flowers.
Epacris impressa `Spring Pink' [Section 15B] is a dainty small plant with tiny pink, tubular flowers crowded below the arching branches. Nearby Ricinocarpos bowmanii [Section 15B] is covered with bright white star-like flowers. Chorizema cordatum [Section 15F] is quite showy with sprays of bright red and orange pea-flowers. Chamelaucium uncinatum `Newmarracarra' [Section 15F], Geraldton Wax, is quite attractive with pale pink and white waxy flowers on a fine, open shrub.
Towards the stairs, the yellow flowers of Phebalium whitei [Section 15A] are brilliant and harmonise with the small mauve bugle shaped flowers of Westringia glabra [Section 15A]. Eutaxia obovata [Section 15A] has neatly arranged foliage brightened with yellow pea-flowers with a red keel.
Along this top road other floral `treasures' include Tetratheca ciliata [Section 15H] massed with rich pink downturned flowers. At the base of Telopea `Braidwood Brilliant' [Section 15H] the lovely Hypocalymma angustifolium [Section 15H] is laden with tiny, soft and fluffy, pink-white flower balls along the arching branches. The blueness of Dampiera diversifolia [Section 15H] is striking as it trails the soil. Oh so blue too, are the pale flowers of Lechenaultia `Autumn Blue' [Section 15H]. Hibbertia empetrifolia [Section 15H] with a mass of wiry branches, is covered with bright yellow flowers and the mound of tiny pink flowers is Baeckea ramosissima `Pink Gem' [Section 15H]. Rhodanthe anthemoides `Chamomile Cascade' [Section 15J], is so floriferous, being covered with small white daisies. Telopea speciosissima `Corroboree' [Section 15J] bears showy, almost scarlet flower heads.
Dryandra squarrosa [Section 15P] is a large shrub bearing yellow fluffy flowers amid the small, sharp leaves and Grevillea flexuosa [Section 15P] has fragrantly perfumed cream flowers resembling candles, among its large, divided leaves. Here, Dampiera stricta [Section 15R] bearing violet coloured flowers mingles with Brachyscome formosa [Section 15R] bearing pink flowers. Close by Boronia megastigma [Section 15R] displays it cup-shaped dark brown and yellow inside, flowers renowned for their perfume. So much to see ...
Barbara Daly
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