Australian National Botanic Gardens
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In Flower This WeekA weekly news-sheet prepared by a Gardens volunteer |
The golden glow on each side of the drive to the main gates is that of a wattle, Acacia flexifolia. Throughout the Gardens most wattles are in bud. However Acacia podalyriifolia [Section 119], Queensland Silver Wattle, is bearing soft yellow flower clusters. Along the Banks Walk, Eriostemon angustifolia [Section 210] is a small plant dotted with small star flowers and Phebalium nottii [Section 210] is a small, open plant showing the first of many dark centred, pink flowers. Grevillea alpina `Gold Rush' [Section 174] is quite dense and is well illuminated with its gold flowers.
At the end of the cafe building, Micromyrtus ciliata [Section 12], is a small plant with spreading branches covered with red buds just thinking of bursting into tiny white flowers. Before flowering this plant is quite picturesque. Looking down to the Banks Centre, Banksia `Giant Candles' [Section 143] stands erect with its long golden cylindrical flower spikes reaching for the sky. More brilliant are the shorter flower spikes of Banksia ericifolia var. ericifolia [Section 143]. See how red some of these flower spikes are. Banksia robur [Section 181], Swamp Banksia, seen beside the small brook, has large, leathery leaves. The flowers range from immature bottle green, ageing to cream then to an attractive chocolate colour. Nearby is Grevillea diminuta [Section 178] which reveals its rust coloured flowers in pendulous clusters. Other banksias can be seen in this area. They include Banksia spinulosa var. collina [Section 28] with pale yellow flower spikes. Particularly note the abundance of unopened, seed-bearing cones. Here also is Banksia oblongifolia [Section 27] which has small flower spikes of varying shades of green. Walk under the large, arching branches of Eucalyptus baeuerlenii [Section 28] which provides many lacy, cream flowers with nectar for the discerning birds. As yet small, Grevillea victoriae [Section 27], Royal Grevillea, bears orange-red pendent flowers clusters.
In this area of hakeas, Hakea cristata [Section 23] is quite spectacular with small clusters of white flowers along its branches. Hakea sericea [Section 21, 20] is long and lanky, with branches laden with fruits. So different to the former plant, the flowers are lacy pink with needle-like leaves. A white flowering form is nearby. Hakea bakeriana [Section 21] is more rounded, with longer needle-like leaves and with large, pink flower clusters on old wood, mostly behind the foliage.
Time now, to visit the Rock Garden. Edging the main path is a small plant, Guichenotia macrantha [Section 4] with hairy foliage and hairy bell shaped, mauve flowers. The miniature Banksia `Birthday Candles' [Section 15] in front of the water-fall is alight with a red tinted, gold flower spikes ... really eye-catching.
Cold weather ...`cool' gardens.
Barbara Daly.
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