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Australian National Botanic Gardens
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A weekly news sheet prepared by a Gardens' volunteer.
Numbers in square brackets [] refer to garden bed Sections.
Plants in flower are in bold type.
3 August 2007
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Thryptomene saxicola - click for larger image |
Foggy mornings followed by sunny days, shrubs awaiting warmer weather to flower and bird calls are many and melodious. So this walk follows the Main Path starting at the end of the café building. Thryptomene saxicola [Section 10] is a small open shrub with lateral branches clustered with small white flowers while, nearby, Astartea ‘Winter Pink’ [Section 10] is small and more upright and well clad with tiny pink flowers. Walk below the branches of the melaleucas all covered loose papery bark and continue to the large heath-leaved banksia, Banksia ericifolia var. ericifolia [Section 30] with long lateral branched glowing with upright cylindrical golden flower spikes. Another banksia, Banksia spinulosa [Section 2i7] is quite small and also glows with many yellow flower spikes. Almost opposite, Banksia oblongifolia [Section 25] is tall and upright revealing its dull green flower spikes, many of which cling to the base of the trunk.
Cross over the road where many grevilleas are well covered with buds. Grevillea triloba [Section 26] has short trilobed leaves and lacy white globular flower heads. Behind the double-seat, Grevillea tripartita subsp.macrostylis [Section 26] has sharp holly-like leaves with splendid red and yellow flowers with long red styles. Grevillea dielsiana [Section 26] is upright presenting its colourful orange-red flower clusters dangling from its open branches. Grevillea rosmarinifolia [Section 24] has an abundance of cherry red buds exploding into red spider flowers.
Cross over the road where Phebalium stenophyllum [Section 112] is quite small with small clusters of bright yellow flowers mixing with the Crowea exalata [Section 112] with its pink star flowers crowded beside. Following the winding path through the Sydney Region Gully, Spyridium burragorang [Section 191h] as a hedge is interesting as the branch terminals have white floral leaves which surround the insignificant, now dead, flowers. Acacia suaveolens [Section 191P] can be seen in the centre of this garden. In a loose group they are upright open shrubs with cream fluffy flower balls along the lateral branches. At the corner Black Eyed Susan. Tetratheca thymifolia [Section 191j] is a low spreading shrub with downturned pink flowers with dark centre. Behind the circular seat Crowea saligna [Section 191u] has lovely deep pink starry flowers amid the waxy foliage.
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Acacia flexifolia - click for larger image |
Crossing the Eucalyptus Lawn to an area of wattles where Acacia flexifolia [Section 18] is a low spreading shrub clad with cream fluffy flower balls while, opposite Acacia consobrina [Section 18] has firmer yellow flower balls. Across the road, Hakea recurva [Section 20] is a dense shrub of medium size with slim sharp leaves and many lime coloured clusters of buds which will open to greenish-white flowers. Nearby Hakea obtusa [Section 20] is also a dense shrub with globular clusters of pink flowers, concealed behind the foliage.
The Rock Garden has much to admire however edging the path Hybanthus floribundus subsp.adpressus [Section 15R] is a dwarf plant clad with palest of blue tiny flowers. Guichenotia ledifolia [Section 4] is clad with down-turned pink flowers mixing with the grey foliage.
Because the bridge over the Rainforest Gully is closed other paths can be taken to enjoy the greens of this area or else wander down to the cafe.
Birds and plants, they go well together… Barbara Daly.