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Australian National Botanic Gardens
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A weekly news sheet prepared by a Gardens' volunteer.
Numbers in square brackets [] refer to garden bed Sections.
Plants in flower are in bold type.
23 July 2004
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Homoranthus darwinioides
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Through the doors opposite the Visitors Centre, view the three attractive pimeleas. They are Pimelea avonensis with terminal heads of small white flowers and pink base, Pimelea brachyphylla with smaller compact terminal heads of white flowers also with a pink base and Pimelea floribunda with larger pendent terminal heads of white flowers.
Then, on this sunny day the walk will identify some of the winter wonders of the Rock Garden, starting at the base of the waterfall and following the path in a clockwise direction. Not only are there flowers, but notice too, the colour of plant foliage which may be shades of red or purple due to chemical changes of the cells caused by the cold weather.
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Hakea corymbosa -
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Banksia integrifolia var. integrifolia [Section 15C] is a prostrate plant with silver-backed dull green leaves and cylindrical lemon flower heads, reaching across the path. Banksia Honeypots [Section 15D] is a dwarf shrub with its honey coloured flower heads on top of the lateral branches. Hybanthos floribundus subsp. adpressus [Section 15D] is a dwarf upright shrub close to a rockface. It has small white flowers with a tint of blue along its branches. Homoranthus darwinioides [Section 15F], of medium size, has small cream flowers which redden on ageing, mixing with its grey-blue foliage. Towards the centre of the garden, an Emu-bush, Eremophila maculata var. brevifolia [Section 15F] continues to bear lovely magenta coloured bugle flowers over a small shrub. Hypocalymma xanthopetalum [Section 15F], snug between the rocks, also continue to bear small yellow feathery flowers along its radiating branches. Tumbling down the slope, Grevillea lanigera [Section 15W] is a dense ground cover well covered with red and cream flowers. Around the corner Micromyrtus ciliata [Section 15G] is a low spreading shrub deep red with buds which will explode into white flowers.
Along the top road, Olearia astroloba [Section 15H] displays its mauve daisy-like flowers over its blue-grey foliage, next to the bright yellow paper daisies of Xerochrysum bracteatum [Section 15H and elsewhere]. Passing the collection of Grass Trees, Xanthorrhoea johnsonii [Section 15N], Eremophila oldfieldii subsp. angustifolia [Section 15N] is interesting with red bugle flowers mixing with fine lobed yellow-green calyces and its fine foliage. Across the path Hakea purpurea [Section 20] is a woody upright shrub bright with lacy crimson flowers and needle sharp leaves. Returning, Eremophila subfloccosa subsp. subfloccosa [Section 15N] is dense with small soft hairy leaves enveloping the branches and small bright green tubular flowers squeezing through. Baeckea crassifolia [Section 15N, 15R] is a dwarf shrub well covered with tiny pink flowers. Of medium size, Cauliflower Hakea, Hakea corymbosa [Section 15P] has rounded heads of rigid sharp pointed leaves mixing with bright green buds now opening to greenish-yellow flowers. At the lower corner a wattle, Acacia alata [Section 15S] is an unusual low spreading shrub with fluffy white flower balls along its curvaceous stems.
Colder days much colour Barbara Daly.