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In Flower This WeekA weekly news-sheet prepared by a Gardens volunteerNumbers in brackets [ ] refer to garden bed 'Sections'. |
See the bright purple fan flowers, Scaevola aemula, in the pots outside the Visitor Centre doors. Then, along the ramp, Eremophila maculata [Section 210] bears bright yellow trumpet-like flowers on an open shrub and an out-of-season waratah cultivar, Telopea Braidwood Brilliant [Section 210], bears its deep red flowers on top of an upright plant. The bright plum-coloured fruits of Syzygium australe [Section 148], a lilly-pilly with dark glossy leaves, are quite eyecatching.
As this lovely autumn weather is ideal for a longer walk, it will start where Pelargonium australe [Section 302] edges the road with its geranium-like rounded leaves and upright stems bearing small, almost white flowers with a tint of mauve. Seen along this road are Thomasia petalocalyx [Section 7] crowned with small downturned pink flowers. Back further, bottlebrushes including Callistemon White Anzac [Section 30] with white sparkling flowers can be seen. Grevillea beadleana [Section 25] is quite large with soft grey-green foliage almost concealing its burgundy shaded toothbrush flowers. Banksia conferta var. penicillata [Section 26], also large and rounded, has a variety of coloured flower spikes, according their age. The sparkling bronze-green immature flower spikes change to yellow and then age to an ochre shade ... the nectar is attractive to many birds. In front of the intersection the brilliant gold cylindrical flower spikes of Banksia ericifolia var. ericifolia [Section 112] really glow against the dark green background.
Turning right, marvel at the colour at this corner of the Sydney Flora Region. A bed of Crowea saligna shrubs [Section 191h] is radiant with bright pink star-like flowers. There too, is Grevillea rhyolitica [Section 191h], another small shrub with pendent sprays of red flowers. In front, edging the road, Goodenia heterophylla [Section 191h] is a low trailing plant bearing bright yellow flowers. Banksia aemula [Section 191], of medium size, displays lime-green, chocolate and spent grey flower spikes, the latter containing large charcoal coloured fruits. Platysace clelandii [Section 191j] is neat and rounded, and well covered with clusters of tiny white flowers.
In this bed, Isotoma axillaris [Section 44] is bright with blue starry flowers. Along the path bordering the Eucalypt Lawns, Hibbertia pedunculata [Section 44] is a semi- prostrate plant producing many bright yellow flowers. A flannel flower cultivar, Actinotus helianthi Federation Stars [Section 44] with grey-green flannel-like foliage shows off its large white flowers, contrasting well with the beautiful Crowea saligna [Section 44] complete with its dark pink flowers. Up the small path Baeckea linifolia [Section 44] is a graceful small shrub with tiny white flowers along the pendulous branches. Chloanthes glandulosa [Section 44] is a low straggly plant with rough, narrow leaves among which are hard-to-see, tubular greenish flowers with a yellow throat and a bluish stain along the upper part of the tube... quite interesting.
Another walk ... other flowers, next week ...
Barbara Daly.
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