Heino Lepp's acknowledgements
I have benefited from the help of many people and without that help the website would be a much poorer thing. The following list acknowledges that help, some of which was for topics that are still in the pipeline.
Jim Croft floated the idea of a fungal website and the Friends of the Australian National Botanic Gardens funded the development. As the recipient of those funds, I am of course very grateful!.
Each of Ross Beever, Mark Brundrett, Chris Cargill, Pam Catcheside, Judith Curnow, Teresa Lebel, Tom May, David Ratkowsky, Jack Simpson and John Walker has read some or all of the text and helped improve it by pointing out errors, vagueness and ambiguities. I have, to my benefit, followed many of the suggestions made by those people. I have, perhaps to my peril, ignored some of their suggestions. None of these people is responsible for the errors, vagueness or ambiguities that remain.
The following have allowed the reproduction of various private photographs: Anne Ashford, George Barron, the Carrall family of Bulahdelah, Bob Chilton, Murray Fagg, Rhonda Melzer, Charles Mims, Ken Thomas. In each case the appropriate credit is given with the photo.
The following have allowed the reproduction of various drawings or paintings - either from their own works or from works over which their organization holds the rights: Ann Bell, Wendy Clark (as president of the Field Naturalist’s Club of Victoria, publishers of Jim Willis' book about Victorian fungi ), Eric Mckenzie (on behalf of Landcare Research in New Zealand, the successor to the publisher of GH Cunningham's Polyporaceae and Thelephoraceae monographs), Leif Ryvarden, Katrina Syme, Anders Tehler (on behalf of the Swedish Museum of Natural History), Christian Volbracht, the Royal Botanic Gardens in Melbourne (holders of Malcolm Howie's paintings). In each case the appropriate credit is given with the illustration.
Anne Ashford has provided some observations and thoughts about Armillaria rhizomorphs.
Siobhan Duffy for the graphic on the front page.
Murray Fagg, apart from putting all this information into website form, has prompted various ideas by posing questions along the lines of: Have you thought about...? and What if we did...?.
Keith Houston loaned a superb piece of woodwork, illustrating imaginative use of spalted wood.
Leo Jalink and Marijke Nauta have given useful information about 19th century European collections of Poronia.
Catherine Jordan, librarian at the Australian National Botanic Gardens, tracked down various bits of literature.
Tom May supplied some literature held at the Royal Botanic Gardens in Melbourne.
Elio Schaechter and the Executive Committee of the North American Mycological Association (NAMA) have allowed the reproduction of an article about PA Micheli from NAMA's journal, McIlvainea.
Rod Tulloss has provided some information about Amanita muscaria in South America.
Friends of the Australian National Botanic Gardens
This web site was sponsored by the Friends of the Australian National Botanic Gardens, a non-profit support group for the Australian National Botanic Gardens. One of the objectives of the Friends is providing information and education to the community about growing, studying and promoting Australian plants. The Friends provided generous funding for the me to write and develop this web site.