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Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria |
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He received his university education in Groningen and Leiden. He earned his doctorate in 1952 with a review of the genus Dillenia under Professor van Steenis and in that year he joined the Australian CSIRO in Canberra.
From 1952 to 1968 a botanist with the New Guinea Group of CSIRO Division
of Land Research and Regional Survey; from 1968 to 1979 a Research Fellow
at the Australian National University's Research School of Biological Sciences,
Australian Capital Territory.
As well as collecting extensively in New
Guinea, he visited Norfolk Island several times and Lord Howe Island once,
and was an authority on their floras.
Hoogland laid the foundations for
the acquisition of the taxonomic library at CANB in the 1950s and 1960s.
His major taxonomic research was undertaken on Dilleniaceae and Cunoniaceae.
His main herbarium is in CANB; duplicates of his New Guinea herbarium are
in A, BISH, BM, BO, BRI, G, K, L, LAE, MEL, NSW, PNH and US.
The genus Ruhooglandia (Poaceae: Bambusoideae) from PNG was named in his honour by Wong, K.M. & Soejatmi Dransfield in November 2016.
Earlier genera and species named in his honour include:
(Cunoniaceae) Hooglandia McPherson & Lowry
(Araceae) Homalomena hooglandii A.Hay
(Asteraceae) Olearia hooglandii J.Kost.
(Asteraceae) Senecio hooglandii Belcher
(Cunoniaceae) Weinmannia hooglandii H.C.Hopkins & J.C.Bradford
(Cyatheaceae) Alsophila hooglandii (Holttum) R.M.Tryon
(Dilleniaceae) Hibbertia hooglandii J.R.Wheeler
(Ericaceae) Vaccinium hooglandii Sleumer
(Gleicheniaceae) Gleichenia hooglandii Holttum
(Leguminosae) Archidendron hooglandii Verdc.
(Leguminosae) Serianthes hooglandii (Fosb.) A.Kanis
(Melastomataceae) Poikilogyne hooglandii Nayar
(Monimiaceae) Palmeria hooglandii Philipson
(Myristicaceae) Myristica hooglandii J.Sinclair
(Onagraceae) Epilobium hooglandii P.H.Raven
(Pandanaceae) Pandanus hooglandii H.St.John
(Piperaceae) Piper hooglandii (I.Hutton & P.S.Green) M.A.Jaram.
(Rosaceae) Potentilla hooglandii Kalkman
(Rutaceae) Evodiella hooglandii B.L.Linden
Source: Extracted from: A.E.Orchard (1999) A History of Systematic
Botany in Australia, in Flora of Australia Vol.1, 2nd ed.,
ABRS. [consult for source references].
Wong, K.M. & Soejatmi Dransfield (2016) 'Ruhooglandia and Widjajachloa, two new genera of Malesian bamboos 9Poaceae: Bambusoideae) and their distinction from Nastus and Chloothamnus', Sandakania, No.22, Nov. 2016
Portrait Photo: (Top) 1986, CSIRO archive L3561.002
(below) dedication page, Flora of Australia Vol.49 (1994)
Data from 11,693 specimens held in Australian herbaria